Anal carcinoma

The anal carcinoma is a rare but malignant disease of the skin of the anus. They are diagnosed and treated by ZweiChirurgen at our centre for proctology in Switzerland in Basel, Zurich and Liestal.

Around 200 people develop this disease per year in Switzerland. Women are at higher risk for developing anal carcinoma. This disease develops from the skin cells of the anus, in some cases they can develop from the mucosa and the gland cells of the rectum. Most important cause for anal carcinoma is an untreated infection with HPV (Human Papilloma Virus).

The diagnostics consists of a careful anal examination including high resolution anoscopy and biopsies. Once the diagnosis has been confirmed by pathological examination of the biopsies the local and systemic extend of the disease (tumor stage) must be evaluated using MRI scans of the pelvis and CT scans of the abdomen and lungs. The treatment strategy is highly depending on the tumor stage and will be discussed with an interdisciplinary team of doctors. The prognosis of the anal carcinoma has improved and is better the earlier the disease is discovered. In most cases a combined radio-chemotherapy is sufficient to treat the disease. In some cases, surgery is necessary too.

  • Interdisciplinary diagnostics and treatment